Disable Group
Disable Item
Read-Only Group
Set orientation="vertical"
to enable a vertical layout.
Consider using a Skeleton Button Group if you need finer grain control over the markup and styling.
API Reference
Property | Type | Description |
orientation | "horizontal" | "vertical" | |
base | string | |
background | string | |
border | string | |
flexDirection | string | |
gap | string | |
padding | string | |
rounded | string | |
width | string | |
classes | string | |
orientVertical | string | |
orientHorizontal | string | |
stateDisabled | string | |
stateReadOnly | string | |
indicatorBase | string | |
indicatorBg | string | |
indicatorText | string | |
indicatorRounded | string | |
indicatorClasses | string | |
labelledby | string | |
onValueChange | (value: string) => void | |
children | ReactNode | |
ids | Partial<{ root: string; label: string; indicator: string; item(value: string): string; itemLabel(value: string): string; itemControl(value: string): string; itemHiddenInput(value: string): string; }> | |
value | string | |
name | string | |
form | string | |
disabled | boolean | |
readOnly | boolean | |
dir | "ltr" | "rtl" | |
getRootNode | () => ShadowRoot | Node | Document | |
Property | Type | Description |
base | string | |
classes | string | |
stateDisabled | string | |
stateFocused | string | |
labelBase | string | |
labelClasses | string | |
children | ReactNode | |
value * | string | |
disabled | boolean | |