Select file or drag here
Select file or drag here
Attach up to 2 files.Button
Use the default children
slot to overwrite the default dropzone interface. Allow for a custom interface.
Select file or drag here
Bind to API
You can optionally bind to the internal Zag component API to access additional methods such as clearFiles()
Select file or drag here
Select file or drag here
Additional Features
Accepted File Formats
File Validation
Custom Validation
Image Previews
API Reference
Property | Type | Description |
label | string | |
subtext | string | |
base | string | |
classes | string | |
interfaceBase | string | |
interfaceBg | string | |
interfaceBorder | string | |
interfaceBorderColor | string | |
interfacePadding | string | |
interfaceRounded | string | |
interfaceClasses | string | |
interfaceIcon | string | |
interfaceText | string | |
interfaceSubtext | string | |
filesListBase | string | |
filesListClasses | string | |
fileBase | string | |
fileBg | string | |
fileGap | string | |
filePadding | string | |
fileRounded | string | |
fileClasses | string | |
fileIcon | string | |
fileName | string | |
fileSize | string | |
fileButton | string | |
stateDisabled | string | |
stateInvalid | string | |
stateDragging | string | |
children | Snippet<[]> | |
iconInterface | Snippet<[]> | |
iconFile | Snippet<[]> | |
iconFileRemove | Snippet<[]> | |
internalApi | FileUploadApi | |
name | string | |
ids | Partial<{ root: string; dropzone: string; hiddenInput: string; trigger: string; label: string; item(id: string): string; itemName(id: string): string; itemSizeText(id: string): string; itemPreview(id: string): string; }> | |
translations | IntlTranslations | |
accept | Record<string, string[]> | FileMimeType | FileMimeType[] | |
disabled | boolean | |
required | boolean | |
allowDrop | boolean | |
maxFileSize | number | |
minFileSize | number | |
maxFiles | number | |
validate | (file: File, details: FileValidateDetails) => FileError[] | |
onFileChange | (details: FileChangeDetails) => void | |
onFileAccept | (details: FileAcceptDetails) => void | |
onFileReject | (details: FileRejectDetails) => void | |
capture | "user" | "environment" | |
directory | boolean | |
invalid | boolean | |
locale | string | |
dir | "ltr" | "rtl" | |
getRootNode | () => ShadowRoot | Node | Document | |